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Toll Treatment Campaign Management and Client Representation

JT's aim: Maximise ounce output and account for every ounce in a transparent way to all parties.

Toll treatment allows mines that have limited starting capital and/or a small resource to expedite cash flow without the cash intensive and timely process of plant development and construction.


JT’s provides independent and unbiased management services to ensure maximum return to the Project by focusing on mine to mill and blending strategies, plant optimisation, comprehensive reporting and metallurgical accounting and gold reconciliation practices. 

JT’s is the chosen Client representative for a number of private and small-tier publicly listed gold companies and with a Perth and Kalgoorlie base, we are well placed to provide this service.

Test Work and
Process Design Studies

JT’s have developed and maintained professional relationships with many of the laboratories and engineering firms across Australia and South Africa. Each of these offer specialised expertise for differing aspects of metallurgical processing.

Whether it be baseline or comprehensive testwork programs, research and development, pilot scale testwork or full turn-key projects, JTMS will be able to identify the clients’ metallurgical needs and shift the focus into the most suitable direction.

Onsite Metallurgical Contracting

JT’s offers short term metallurgical contracting to cover leave or complete a specific project or task.

Process Plant Optimisation and Audits

JT’s is able to work with onsite personnel to identify, define and generate a plan in optimising a plant or metallurgical accounting processes by:


  • Ensuring a thorough understanding of how current and future mining practices and geological and mineralogical aspects of the ore impact the overall process;

  • Working systematically through each facet of the plant to identify bottlenecks or problematic equipment or areas;

  • Training Operators and Metallurgists in maximising the performance of the plant;

  • Identifying and championing testwork which may be required;

  • Conducting thorough metallurgical accounting audits.



JTMS is a small niche metallurgical consultancy formed by two experienced metallurgists, Brant Tapley and

Nicholas Johnson.


Both Brant and Nick have been extensively involved in design phases, operation, and optimisation on a number of plants, over a number of commodities worldwide.


Our aim is to be actively involved with our clients in aiding their metallurgical needs. We strive to deliver outcomes which are in the best interest of our clients, whether it be in project development, metallurgical testwork programs or management over single and ongoing toll treatment campaigns. 


We have particular focus on Mine to Mill through engaging the mining and geology team followed up by comprehensive yet appropriately sized testwork programs to ensure maximum Project return. 


JT’s considers reporting to be an important aspect in all facets of what we do hence focus is applied to this to keep the Client completely up to date and to have the opportunity of being part of the solution.   



Brant Tapley

After graduating from WASM in 2003, Brant worked across a number of gold and base metal operations before relocating overseas to consult on magnetite operations in Norway and Russia. 


Upon returning to Australia Brant joined a metallurgical consulting company focusing on testwork and feasibility studies, plant troubleshooting and plant design across a number of commodities. 

Brant’s professional interests are with developing projects, returning maximum value to JT’s clients and developing new technology to the benefit of production, environment and safety. 

Brant is a Director of Ecotechnol developing membrane technology for use in the treatment of hypersaline waters and environmental applications. He is also Director of Mintap who is the Global distributor of a Crusher closed sized setting (CSS) measurement device, the C-Gap.

Warwick McKenzie

Metallurgist - Kalgoorlie Operations Manager


Warwick is a metallurgist with over 20 years mining experience. He has worked with commodities such as gold, tin, tantalum and lithium, with process experience in comminution, gravity separation, roasting, flotation, leaching, smelting and heap leaching.


Warwick has also worked in the engineering field, with focus on feasibility studies, specialising in process flow design and deriving process OPEX and CAPEX. Warwick has also backed up this experience by working as a construction manager for major refurbishments and construction projects around the Eastern Goldfields.


Warwick has also worked as an energy consultant to the mining industry, specialising in EEO and NGERS preparedness.


Warwick has spent the last 10 years in leadership roles, with primary focus on safe, efficient production through implementation of risk management systems.

Nicholas Johnson

Nick is a chemical engineer involving himself with projects from early scoping stages through to bankable feasibility level studies. He has also been heavily involved with the piloting of new technologies within these study phases.


These pilots have included new lithium technologies, platinum, palladium and also phosphates. Nick has extensive onsite experience as well as within metallurgical laboratory’s.  He has worked across gold, tin, phosphates, precious metals, lithium and base metals.


Nick has worked on gold mines throughout Africa whilst developing small retreatment plants in Zimbabwe and Zambia and also managing engineering completion teams for a large gold mine in Burkina Faso.


Nicks professional interests include; developing new technologies within the mining sector, developing new projects and ensuring that client receives maximum value from their ore.

Jake Stokes.png
Jake Stokes

Metallurgist- Grad. Dip (Ext Met.) BSc (Chemistry)

Jake is the newest member of the JT Metallurgical Services team with 5 years’ experience in the mineral processing industry.

Jake has a background in metallurgical testwork studies, from sighter level through to feasibility studies and pilot plants.


Jake has a strong passion for process optimisation, gaining experience from operational roles across multiple sites around Australia.


Jake’s experience covers comminution, gravity concentration, flotation, and hydrometallurgical processing. 

Robert Dunne

Group Metallurgical Advisor


Robert has over 40 years’ experience in the mineral industry. He has worked for Newmont Mining (Group Executive Metallurgy), Newcrest (Group Consulting Metallurgist), Anglovaal, Anglo American and Mintek.


His commodity specialities are in gold and copper-gold treatment, however has had worked in the platinum, coal, phosphate and base metal industries.


During his career, he has been involved in small to very large mineral development projects including exploration, pre-feasibility studies, feasibility studies, construction and commissioning.


Robert also has been associated with and lead optimisation programs including mine-to-mill projects and co-ordinating innovation programs.


He is an Adjunct Professor at Curtin University (Gold Technology Group) and Queensland University (JKMRC) and is on the editorial board and a referee for a number of mineral processing journals

Who We Are



For any inquiries or questions please contact Brant, Nick, Warwick, Robert or Jake; 

or fill in the following form:

Thank you! We'll be in touch soon.

Brant Tapley

Tel: 0427 127 544


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Nicholas Johnson

Tel: 0424 046 663


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Warwick McKenzie
Jake Stokes
Robert Dunne




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